During this meeting we will discuss proposed changes to our by-laws: The relevant files can be accessed through a following link: DEFINITIVE AGENDA SMÅLANDS NATION MEETING MONDAY, 6 September...

Preliminary Nation Meeting Agenda 2021-09-06

PRELIMINÄRA DAGORDNING SMÅLANDS NATIONSMÖTEMÅNDAGEN den 6:e september 2021 kl. 18:00 Plats: Zoom Möte: Smålands Kastanjegatan 7, 22359 Lund §1 Mötet öppnas av självvald ordförande §2 Inledninga) Val av:- mötesordförande-...

By-elections for the September Nation Meeting!

Let’s start to the new semester by nominating or getting elected to certain positions that are available in Smålands. The following posts are vacant and waiting to be filled soon… To nominate yourself or someone else, send an email to the election...

Nation Meeting May 2021 | Definitive Agenda

Welcome to our May Nation Meeting! Smålands members are encouraged to join and participate, so that we can create the Smålands that we want! On this meeting, you will have the chance to elect people and / or get yourselves elected in various positions, which are now...

Nation Meeting May 2021

Welcome to our May Nation Meeting! Smålands members are encouraged to join and participate, so that we can create the Smålands that we want! On this meeting, you will have the chance to elect people and / or get yourselves elected in various positions, which are now...