Smålands is facing special and very unfortunate circumstances since our Nationsombud elected until June, Mohamed, can’t continue his work and has to leave Sweden due to regulations made by the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket).

Smålands administration is based on a system where two Nationsombud (NO) share the work and are elected with a half year overlap, so the experienced NO can train the new NO before they leave. Our organisation is based on knowledge transfer, teaching routines and sharing experiences between older and newer members. Since Mohamed will leave in the middle of his elected period, he won’t be there to teach the new elected NO Hans, who will start in January. Instead we have to elect a replacement for Mohamed, so we are facing a situation of two new NOs.

In order to support the two new Nationsombud as good as possible, and to guarantee a knowledge transfer and support, the board thinks that we need Vanessa to teach the new NOs during the crucial transition period of 2 months, January and February.

Therefore, we move:

That: The former Nationsombud Vanessa will continue working until end of February to teach the new elected NOs

That: she will get paid for January and February the regular nationombud salary.


The board of Smålands Nation